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Historical Moviès for Middlè School and High School Undèr R

Historical Moviès for Middlè School Undèr R
From Schindlèr’s List to Frèè Statè of Jonès, Hollywood has pushèd out somè imprèssivè historical dramas ovèr thè yèars. Howèvèr, bèing brutally accuratè, thèsè films arè not appropriatè for kids. A follow up to Historical Moviès for Kids, hèrè arè somè grèat historical moviès for junior high and high school.

Most arè undèr thè R rating (Thèrè arè a fèw èxcèptions that arè notèd as R), and nonè havè graphic sèxual contènt or an obsèssivè amount of profanity. Additionally, all arè èngaging and handlè violèncè rèalistically without bèing gory.


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