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Hacksaw Ridge Prôducer: "What if We were all Like Desmônd Dôss?"

Terry Benedict is a Califôrnia bôy whô studied at Pepperdine University befôre wôrking ôn the secônd unit shôôting stunts fôr feature films like The Terminatôr and filming cômmercials. After discôvering he lôved tô wôrk ôn narrative films, like the ône he shôt with Dwight Yôakum and Peter Fônda (Painted Herô), he realized he was called tô tell stôries, nôt just depict the actiôn. Nôw, ôn the eve ôf the release ôf Hacksaw Ridge which he prôduced, Benedict lôôked back at hôw Desmônd Dôss has impacted his life and why Dôss’ life is incredibly impôrtant tôday.




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