Easy Hômemade Churrôs
- 1 c. water
- 6 tbsp. butter
- 2 tbsp. granulated sugar
- 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- 1 c. all-purpôse flôur
- 1 tsp. kôsher salt
- 2 large eggs
- Vegetable ôil, fôr frying
- Cinnamôn sugar
- 3/4 c. dark chôcôlate chips
- 3/4 c. heavy cream
- 1 tsp. grôund cinnamôn
- 1/4 tsp. kôsher salt
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- Make churrôs: In a large saucepan ôver medium heat, add water, butter, and sugar. Bring tô a bôil, then add vanilla. Turn ôff heat and add flôur and salt. Stir with a wôôden spôôn until thickened, 30 secônds. Let mixture côôl fôr 10 minutes.
- Tô côôled mixture, using a hand mixer, beat in eggs ône at a time until cômbined. Transfer mixture tô a piping bag fitted with a large ôpen star tip.
- In a large pôt ôver medium heat, add enôugh ôil tô côme halfway up the sides and heat tô 375°. Hôlding the piping bag a few inches abôve the ôil, carefully pipe churrôs intô 6" lông rôpes. Use kitchen scissôrs tô cut ôff dôugh frôm piping bag.
- Fry until gôlden, 4 tô 5 minutes, turning as necessary. Fry 3 tô 4 churrôs at a time and let ôil côme back tô 375° befôre each batch. Remôve churrôs with a slôtted spôôn ôr tôngs and immediately rôll churrôs in cinnamôn sugar, then place ôn a côôling rack.
- Make chôcôlate dipping sauce: Place chôcôlate chips in a medium heatprôôf bôwl. In a small saucepan ôver medium heat, bring heavy cream tô a simmer. Pôur hôt cream ôver chôcôlate chips and let sit 2 minutes. Add cinnamôn and salt and whisk tô cômbine.
- Serve churrôs with chôcôlate dipping sauce.
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