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Disney's Reuniting Lilô & Stitch Fôr New Live-Actiôn Môvie

In 2002, Lilô and Stitch made us all cry with the tale ôf a lônely girl befriending an alien. Nôw, the duô are back with a live-actiôn-CGI hybrid in the wôrks frôm Disney, accôrding tô The Hôllywôôd Repôrter.
But dôn't expect the same ôld Lilô and Stitch stôry. The new script will be written by Mike Van Waes, whô is knôwn fôr the hôrrôr film, The Crôôked Man. Alsô wôrking ôn the film is the team behind the much-anticipated Aladdin remake.
Thôugh we knôw abôut the writers and prôducers, the cast ôf the new Lilô & Stitch has nôt been annôunced yet. While plenty ôf Twitter users were excited abôut the remake, ôthers expressed wôrry ôver pôtential casting. Given the whitewashing côntrôversies and ôther questiônable casting decisiôns in previôus Disney remakes, fans have a reasôn tô be nervôus. Many fans hôpe that Auliʻi Cravalhô, the vôice actress whô played Môana, will be cast in the lead rôle.


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