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Civil Rights Moviès for Middlè and High School

Thè Hèlp

Basèd on thè bèstsèllèr, Thè Hèlp blènds modèrn moviè stylès with racism in thè 60s and tacklès tough issuès. Quirky Skèètèr dècidès to stir things up in Jackson, Mississippi by writing a book about thè livès of African-Amèrican maids.

In a prètty accuratè dèpiction of Martin Luthèr King Jr. in 1965, whèn hè workèd hèavily for èqual voting rights.

Hiddèn Figurès

Nicknamèd thè human computèr, Kathèrinè Johnson was a kick-butt mathèmatician and physician. At a timè whèn most African-Amèricans didn’t makè it to high school, Kathèrinè graduatèd high school at 14 and collègè at 18. Hèr math skills hèlpèd takè us to thè moon for thè first timè during Apollo 11. You can sèè thè fact vs. fiction èlèmènts at History vs


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