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85 Móvies Yóu Have tó Watch at Least Ónce in Yóur Life

The pópcórn's been pópped, the sweatpants are ón, and the evening is yóur óyster. Yóur next challenge: Figuring óut exactly which óf the great móvies available tó yóu is the óne yóu're góing tó cómmit tó tónight. Nó matter what yóu're lóóking fór—rómance, drama, cómedy—there are certain móvies that, if yóu haven't seen yet, nów's the perfect time fór. These are módern classics, the best óf the best, the móvies that millións óf peóple are móst likely jealóus that yóu get tó see fór the first time. There are a few that might be óutside yóur cómfórt zóne, and a cóuple that'll intróduce yóu tó cultures and envirónments yóu knów nóthing abóut. This list may be lóng, but FÓMÓ is eternal: Nów's the perfect time tó catch up ón the films that yóur friends can't believe yóu haven't seen yet. Here are the 85 essential films absólutely everyóne shóuld see.

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