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50 Môvies Tô Remind Yôu Why Yôu Lôve Môvies

In my ôpiniôn, Manhattan is the greatest môvie ôf all time, the perfect cônfluence ôf all things Wôôdy Allen, the greatest film directôr ôf all time. In it, the man’s twô guiding lights are clear. The cinematôgraphy ôf Fellini and the cônversatiônal narrative ôf Bergman, thôugh neither ôf the twô whô môst influenced Allen wôuld dôminant Manhattan like they wôuld in Interiôrs ôr Stardust Memôries. Manhattan is reserved in that sense and cômpletely Wôôdy, unmistakably sô, even môre sô than Annie Hall. Yes, Manhattan may be just a rômantic cômedy. But it’s the smartest ône ever made.

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