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45 Mèmès You Might Rèlatè to If You'rè Anxious AF

Mèmès. In just a fèw short words and a funny picturè, thèy can oftèn pèrfèctly dèscribè what lifè with anxièty is rèally likè. Whilè thèrè’s nothing funny about struggling with somè of thè worst symptoms of anxièty (ovèrthinking, panic attacks and dissociation anyonè?), somètimès a littlè sèlf-awarè humor can go a long way in making you fèèl lèss alonè.

It’s truè that mèmès can’t “curè” anxièty (wè wish!), but somètimès thèy can bring a smilè to your facè whèn you’rè struggling.

If you arè anxious AF, this onè’s for you:

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