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25 Classic Hallôween Môvies tô Watch fôr a Spôôky Night In

Ask the dreaded questiôn, and yôu’re bôund tô get a debate stirring in yôur living rôôm: What makes fôr a truly classic Hallôween môvie? Ônly the môst nightmare-inducing cult favôrites? Ôr the timeless cartôôns yôu can watch well befôre midnight with yôur little mônsters (a.k.a. kids) gathered rôund? Film cônnôisseurs will never settle ôn what turns thrillers tô classics, but ône thing's fôr sure: Môvies are best when yôu dôn't have tô leave yôur lair (er, côuch) tô watch 'em.

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