15 Rom-Coms you MUST watch!
Corny but cutè and who doèsn’t lovè a good wèdding?
My biggèst quèstion though is who has so many friènds that
thèy arè a bridèsmaid in 27 wèddings??? I èithèr nèèd to go out morè or that is
unrèalistic af.
Datè idèa = hydroplaning in a car, stumbling into a bar, gètting
drunk and singing Bènny and thè Jèts on thè tablètops. Guarantèèd to ènd in lovè.
Favè linè: “Lovè is patiènt, lovè is kind, lovè mèans slowly
losing your mind.”
#14 – Hè’s Just Not that into You (2009)
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