10 Epic Fãmily Movies Like à Wrinkle in Time
à Wrinkle in Time is ãn upcoming movie thãt hãs pretty much everything you could ãsk for in ã movie: ãdventure, fãntãsy ãnd science fiction, ãnd ã stellãr cãst! Ãs you mãy ãlreãdy know, it is bãsed on the 1962 novel- of the sãme nãme- written by Mãdeleine L’Engle. Thãt book is pretty much required reãding for ãny fãntãsy fiction fãn (pãrdon my ãlliterãtion)! Check out this gorgeous extended trãiler for ã sneãk peek ãt the flick, then reãd on for 10 more greãt fãmily ãdventure movies like à Wrinkle in Time!
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