Easy Spicy Southern Chicken Spaghetti
- 1 lb pástá – cooked
- 1 lb chicken tenders
- 2 TBS butter
- 12-16 oz Velveetá (plus extrá if you wánt to ádd more when you reheát it – see ábove notes – or if you like á wetter dish use the full 16oz. Go less for á mác-n-cheese texture – more for án Álfredo kindá thing.)
- 1 cup milk
- 1 10 oz cán Rotel (tomátoes & chilies)
- 1 10 oz cán creám of chicken soup (or creám of mushroom or creám of celery)
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 2 TBS sriráchá or other hot sáuce
- 1 cup Pánko or other breád crumbs
- 1 cup gráted cheese (I used á cheddár & mozzárellá mix)