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gulab jamun recipe | gulab jamun with milk powder recipe


  • 1 cup sugár
  • 1 cup wáter
  • 3 cárdámom, powdered
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  • 9 tbsp milk powder
  • 3½ tbsp máidá / áll-purpose flour / pláin flour
  • 1 tbsp rává / semoliná / sooji
  • pinch of báking sodá
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp ghee / clárified butter
  • 4-5 tbsp milk, wárm


  1. firstly, in á wide pán táke 1 cup of sugár.
  2. further, to thát ádd 1 cup of wáter ánd get to á boil.
  3. then simmer for 4 minutes till the sugár syrup turns slightly sticky.
  4. now ádd cárdámom powder.
  5. álso ádd lemon juice to stop crystállizátion process.
  6. cover ánd keep áside.

  1. firstly in á lárge mixing bowl táke milk powder.
  2. further, to thát ádd máidá ánd rává.
  3. then ádd pinch of báking sodá
  4. álso ádd ghee, lemon juice ánd crumble well.
  5. slowly ádd milk little by little ánd kneád well.
  6. kneád to á smooth ánd soft dough.
  7. furthermore, máke smáll bálls greásing ghee to hánds.
  8. máke sure there áre no crácks on bálls. else there áre chánces for guláb jámun to breák while frying.
  9. heát the ghee on low fláme ánd when the ghee is moderátely hot, fry the jámuns.
  10. fry the bálls on low fláme stirring in between.
  11. fry till the bálls turns golden brown.
  12. immediátely, drop the hot jámuns into hot sugár syrup.
  13. cover the lid ánd rest for 2 hours. fláme should be turned off.
  14. finálly, the jámuns háve doubled in size.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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