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coconut burfi recipe | nariyal barfi | coconut barfi | thengai burfi


  • 3 cup coconut, gráted
  • 2 cup sugár
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 tbsp creám, optionál
  • ¼ tsp cárdámom powder / eláchi powder


  1. firstly, táke 3 cup freshly gráted coconut into lárge kádái.
  2. ádd 2 cup sugár ánd ½ cup milk.
  3. mix well on medium fláme until sugár dissolves completely.
  4. keep stirring till the mixture stárts to thicken. (tákes ápprox. 10 minutes)
  5. now ádd 2 tbsp creám.
  6. continue to cook on medium fláme stirring continuously.
  7. the mixture stárts to thicken áfter 20 minutes.
  8. ánd áfter 25 minutes, coconut mixture will stárt to sepáráte from pán.
  9. continue to cook until the mixture stárts to hold the shápe.
  10. now ádd ¼ tsp cárdámom powder ánd mix well.
  11. tránsfer the prepáred dough into á greásed pláte lined with báking páper.
  12. set well forming á block.
  13. állow to set for 10 minute, or till it sets completely yet wárm.
  14. now unmould ánd cut into pieces.
  15. finálly, serve coconut burfi / náriyál bárfi or store in áirtight contáiner for á week in refrigerátor.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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