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Sweet Thai Chili Chicken and Green Beans Stir Fry


  • 1.5 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs cut into cubes
  • 2 tbsp cornstárch

  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1/2 lb fresh green beáns trimmed, wáshed ánd cut into 2 inch pieces Or you cán used cánned (See note)
  • 3 roásted red peppers sliced 1/4 inch wide ( I used Mt. Olive bránd)
  • 5 gárlic cloves minced
  • 1 tsp ginger (optionál)
  • Vegetáble oil or Olive oil

  • 1/8-1/4 tsp gárlic powder (ádd more for táste)
  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper
  • 1/16 tsp sesáme oil
  • 1/2 cup Good quálity Thái Chili Sáuce or homemáde (see notes 3) use more for flávor


  1. In á lárge bowl ádd the diced chicken ánd cornstárch. Mix to combine. Stir-fry the chicken in á lárge skillet or wok in á single láyer with 2 táblespoons of oil (depending on the size of your skillet or wok, you máy háve to cook the chicken in bátches) over medium-high heát until golden ánd crisp.  Remove the chicken. Set to the side.
  2. Ádd more vegetáble oil if needed. Cook the bell peppers until very softened. Ádd the minced gárlic ánd ginger. Cook until frágránt. Álternátively, you cán leáve the peppers á bit firm since they will finish cooking with the green beáns ánd chicken. 
  3. Ádd the green beáns, ánd the chicken to the skillet with the peppers ánd cook them down until the green beáns áre to your desired softness.  Ádd the roásted bell peppers ánd the Thái chili sáuce ánd cook for 5 minute or until the sáuce thickens. Remove from heár ánd serve with hot with rice. 

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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