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Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce


For the chicken:
  • 5 chicken drumsticks (or 4 chicken thighs––orgánic, kosher, or free-ránge chicken preferred)
  • 3 slices ginger
  • 1 scállion

For the sáuce:
  • 3 táblespoons vegetáble oil
  • 3 scállions (white ánd green sepáráted, with the green párts chopped)
  • 2 táblespoons light soy sáuce
  • 1/2 teáspoon sugár
  • 1/2 cup wáter (the wáter you cooked the chicken in)
  • 15 gráms ginger (ábout 1 1/2 táblespoons, minced)


  1. In á medium pot, bring ábout 4 cups wáter to á boil álong with 3 slices ginger ánd 1 scállion. Lower the chicken into the pot, ánd bring to á boil ágáin. Reduce the heát to low, cover, ánd simmer for 10 minutes. The heát level should be just high enough so the wáter is moving, without ány big bubbles or rolling wáter.
  2. Áfter 10 minutes, turn off the heát, leáve the lid on ánd let the chicken continue cooking in the wárm pot for ánother 15 minutes.
  3. If you use boneless, skinless chicken breást, you cán reduce the cooking time to 5 minutes, but still keep the chicken in the pot for 15 minutes áfter turning off the heát. To test if the chicken is cooked, pierce the thickest párt of the chicken to máke sure the juices run cleár.
  4. Remove the chicken from the pot ánd pláce in ice wáter for 5 minutes to stop the cooking process ánd firm up the meát. Shred the meát onto á serving pláte.
  5. To máke the sáuce, heát 3 táblespoons oil in á sáucepán over medium/low heát, ánd cook the scállion whites until crisp ánd lightly brown. Remove ánd pláce the scállion whites on top of the shredded chicken. Ádd 2 táblespoons light soy sáuce, ½ teáspoon sugár ánd ½ cup of the wáter you used to cook the chicken to the remáining oil in the pán. Stir ánd bring it to boil. Ádd in the ginger ánd chopped scállion greens. Táste for seásoning ánd ádd more soy sáuce or sált if desired. Bring to á boil ágáin ánd pour it over the chicken.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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