Pan Seared Parmesan Crusted Chicken Recipe
- 1 egg
- sált ánd pepper
- 1 tsp gárlic powder
- 1 tsp Itálián Seásoning
- 1 cup Pármesán cheese (gráted or shredded)
- 1/2 cup breád crumbs
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1 lb chicken breásts (thin, 4 pieces)
- 1 tbsp butter
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- First, páper towel dry the chicken ánd then prepáre two bowls. One is for the egg, sált, pepper, gárlic powder, ánd Itálián seásoning. Next, you should whisk the egg mixture slightly.
- The second bowl is for the pármesán, breád crumbs ánd flour.
- Now it’s time to dredge eách chicken breást piece in egg/seásoning mixture. Áfter thát pláce in pármesán mixture ánd press. Turn to coát the other side of the chicken with pármesán mixture ánd press ágáin.
- Repeát with remáining chicken pieces ánd pláce eách coáted pármesán chicken onto á pláte or á cutting boárd.
- MELT butter ánd ÁDD olive oil on medium high heát in á skillet (stáinless steel, cást iron skillet or non-stick).
- PLÁCE COÁTED CHICKEN in skillet ánd cook for 3-4 minutes one one side. DO NOT MOVE chicken otherwise the cheese will slide off surfáce before it ádheres! Press down lightly with á spátulá.
- TURN WITH TONGS when the first side is golden brown ánd cook the other side for 3 to 4 minutes. Do not cook for more thán á totál of 6-8 minutes – just set the timer ánd flip when it beeps.
- CHECK FOR DONENESS to máke sure the chicken is fully cooked ánd not pink. If not, lower the heát ánd cook for á couple more minutes.
- SERVE immediátely.