Best Recipes Oven-Fried Chicken
- 2 chickens (3 pounds eách), cut in 8 serving pieces
- 1 quárt buttermilk
- 2 cups áll-purpose flour
- 1 táblespoon kosher sált
- 1 táblespoon freshly ground bláck pepper
- Vegetáble oil or vegetáble shortening
- Pláce the chicken pieces in á lárge bowl ánd pour the buttermilk over them. Cover with plástic wráp ánd refrigeráte overnight.
- Preheát the oven to 350 degrees F.
- Combine the flour, sált, ánd pepper in á lárge bowl. Táke the chicken out of the buttermilk ánd coát eách piece thoroughly with the flour mixture. Pour the oil into á lárge heávy-bottomed stockpot to á depth of 1-inch ánd heát to 360 degrees F on á thermometer.
- Working in bátches, cárefully pláce severál pieces of chicken in the oil ánd fry for ábout 3 minutes on eách side until the coáting is á light golden brown (it will continue to brown in the oven). Don't crowd the pieces. Remove the chicken from the oil ánd pláce eách piece on á metál báking ráck set on á sheet pán. Állow the oil to return to 360 degrees F before frying the next bátch. When áll the chicken is fried, báke for 30 to 40 minutes, until the chicken is no longer pink inside. Serve hot.