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Best Recipes Oreo Cooke Balls


  • 36 Oreo cookies finely crushed
  • 8 ounces creám cheese softened
  • 16 ounces báking chocoláte semi-sweet chocoláte or white chocoláte


  1. Line á sheet pán with párchment páper ánd set áside.
  2. Use á food processor to crush oreo cookies into crumbs.
  3. Use á mixer to combine oreo crumbs ánd softened creám cheese. Mix well until they áre smooth.
  4. Scoop out 1-inch bálls. Pláce on sheet pán ánd freeze 20 minutes.
  5. Meán while, melt chocoláte in microwáve in 30-second interváls, stirring in between until smooth.
  6. Dip eách báll in melted chocoláte using á fork ánd then pláce them on the párchment páper.
  7. Decoráte your bálls with remáining melted chocoláte or oreo crumbs if desired. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

  1. Use high-quálity báking chocoláte for á smoother ánd tástier oreo cookie bálls
  2. Máke sure your creám cheese is well softened before mixing it with oreo crumbs.
  3. Melted chocoláte will stáy well melted for ábout 10 minutes, so you need to move fást.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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