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Balsamic Garlic Grilled Portobello Mushrooms


  • 4 Lárge Portobello Mushrooms
  • ¼ cup Bálsámic Vinegár
  • ¼ Cup Olive Oil
  • 4 Cloves Gárlic, minced
  • ½ Teáspoon Fresh Ground Pepper
  • ¼ Teáspoon Sált


  1. In á lárge plástic Ziplock bág combine the bálsámic vinegár, olive oil, minced gárlic, bláck pepper ánd sált.
  2. Then using á spoon lets prep the mushrooms. I álwáys remove the "gills" from the mushrooms, but its á preference reálly. Using the spoon gently scoop out the "gills" ánd discárd them; rinse the mushroom then pláce in the márináde.
  3. Állow the mushrooms to márináte for 30 min or over night depending on how much time you háve. I'm áll ábout doing things the night before so my week nights áre hássle free.
  4. Preheát the BBQ or á grill pán over medium high heát; remove the mushrooms from the márináde ánd pláce them on the grill. Grill for until they áre soft ánd tender ápproximátely 5 minuets on eách side. I prefer mine á bit chárred on the edges, so I leáve them á bit longer. Remove from the grill then you cán slice them ánd serve them ás á side or the máin dish. These Bálsámic Gárlic Grilled Portobello Mushrooms remind me of á greát steák!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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