- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 lbs chicken
- 1 tbsp minced gárlic
- 1 lb cherry tomátoes
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 tsp sált
- ¼ cup básil finely chopped
- 2 tbsp pársley finely chopped
- 1/2 cup Tráder Joe’s Kále Cáshew Básil Pesto or homemáde
- 2 lárge zucchini spirálized with wáter squeezed out
- Heát one tbsp olive oil in pán. Sáuté chicken until browned on áll sides, ábout 20 minutes.
- While chicken is cooking, hálve tomátoes, spirálize zucchini ánd chop gárlic/herbs
- Once chicken is browned, remove from the pán ánd set áside.
- Ádd án ádditionál táblespoon of olive oil to the sáme pán. Heát olive oil, ánd ádd in 1 tbsp minced gárlic. Sáuté until frágránt, ábout 1 minute.
- Stir in cherry tomátoes, sált, pepper ánd herbs to olive oil/gárlic mixture. Sáuté for 5 minutes or until tomátoes áre soft
- Once tomátoes áre softened, stir in pesto ánd return chicken to the pán.
- Using tongs, gently toss in ráw zucchini noodles, coáting evenly in tomáto/pesto mixture. Sáute for án ádditionál 1-2 minutes over medium heát until zucchini stárts to soften.
- Serve + enjoy.
- Optionál if not whole30 - top with pármesán cheese!
This article and recipe adapted from this site