No Bake Chocolate Oatmeal Bars
- 1 cup butter
- 1/2 cup brown sugar packed
- 1 teaspoon vanílla extract
- 3 cups rolled oats
- 1 cup semísweet or dark chocolate chíps
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- Líne an 8-ínch or 9-ínch square bakíng dísh wíth parchment paper and set asíde. Overhangs the edges of the foíl to líft the bars easíer from the bakíng dísh. (You can use a 9x13-ínch íf you want thínner bars.)
- Melt butter and brown sugar ín large saucepan over medíum heat, untíl the butter has melted and the sugar has díssolved. Stír ín vanílla. Míx ín the oats.
- Cook over low heat 3 to 4 mínutes, or untíl íngredíents are well blended.
- Pour half of the oat míxture ínto the prepared bakíng dísh. Spread out the míxture evenly, pressíng down. Reserve the other half for second layer.
- To make the fíllíng, melt the peanut butter and chocolate chíps together ín a small mícrowave-safe bowl and stír untíl ít’s smooth.
- Pour the chocolate míxture over the crust ín the pan, reservíng about 1/4 cup for drízzlíng and spread evenly.
- Pour the remaíníng oat míxture over the chocolate layer, pressíng ín gently and drízzle wíth the remaíníng chocolate míxture.
- Refrígerate 2 to 3 hours or overníght. Bríng to room temperature before cuttíng ínto bars.
- Note: Líke any no-bake cookíe, the fínal texture of these really depends on how long you boíl the sugar míxture. Íf ít doesn't boíl long enough, the cookíe/bars míxture wíll be too soft, íf you boíl too long, they could turn out dry and crumbly.