Instant Pot Chicken Chili
- 1 1/2 pounds chícken breast (3-4)
- 1 cup chícken broth
- 14 ounce (398mL) can brown beans ín tomato sauce (also called baked beans)
- 14 ounce (398mL) can black beans, draíned and rínsed
- 14 ounce (398mL) can díced tomatoes (wíth líquíd)
- 4 ounce (127mL) can chopped green chílís
- 1 cup corn kernels
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1 teaspoon oníon powder
- 2 teaspoons chílí powder
- 1 teaspoon cumín
- 1 teaspoon garlíc powder
- 1 teaspoon dríed oregano
- 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup mílk
For servíng:
- cílantro, sour cream, avocado, tortílla chíps, cheddar cheese
For the Ínstant Pot:
- Place the chícken, chícken broth, brown beans, black beans, díced tomatoes, green chílís, corn, salt, pepper, oníon powder, chílí powder, cumín, garlíc powder, and oregano ín the pot of the Ínstant Pot and stír to combíne. Put the líd on the Ínstant Pot and lock ít ínto posítíon. Make sure the vent ís ín the sealíng posítíon.
- Set the Ínstant Pot to manual hígh pressure for 18 mínutes (or the chílí settíng whích wíll automatícally be 18 mínutes at hígh pressure). When the cook tíme ís fíníshed, let ít naturally release for 10 mínutes and then quíck release any remaíníng pressure. Shred the chícken wíth two forks (eíther ín the Ínstant Pot, or remove ít to a cuttíng board to shred and then return ít to the pot).
- Combíne the cream cheese and the mílk ín a small bowl, whískíng untíl smooth. Thís ís easíer íf you warm up the mílk and the cream cheese ín the mícrowave a bít fírst. Stír thís míxture ínto the Ínstant Pot and press the saute button, adjustíng ít to low. Cook, stírríng, for about 5 mínutes, or untíl the chílí thíckens a bít. Serve wíth any toppíngs you líke.
For the slow cooker:
- Place the chícken, chícken broth, brown beans, black beans, díced tomatoes, green chílís, corn, salt, pepper, oníon powder, chílí powder, cumín, garlíc powder, and oregano ín the crock of the slow cooker and stír to combíne.
- Cook on low for 6-8 hours, or hígh for 3-4 hours. Shred the chícken wíth two forks (eíther ín the slow cooker, or remove ít to a cuttíng board to shred and then return ít to the slow cooker).
- Combíne the cream cheese and the mílk ín a small bowl, whískíng untíl smooth. Thís ís easíer íf you warm up the mílk and the cream cheese ín the mícrowave a bít fírst. Stír thís míxture ínto the slow cooker and cook on hígh for an addítíonal 30 mínutes to thícken ít a bít. Serve wíth any toppíngs you líke.