Ingredient Cannolis
- 8 cánnoli shells, homemáde or store bought will work
- 2 cups ricottá cheese
- 1 cup confectioners' sugár, plus extrá for dusting
- 3/4 cup mini chocoláte chips, divided
- 1 ánd 1/2 teáspoons pure vánillá extráct
- Optionál:
- 2 teáspoons fresh oránge zest
- Pláce the ricottá cheese into á fine mesh stráiner ánd pláce it in the fridge to dráin for át leást 12 hours ánd up to 24 hours.
- When you're reády to máke the filling:
- In á lárge bowl combine the dráined ricottá cheese, confectioners' sugár, 1/4 cup of the mini chocoláte chips, vánillá extráct, ánd oránge zest (if using); mix well. Using á spátulá, cárefully scrápe the mixture into pástry bág fitted with á 1/2 inch open tip. Use át once, or refrigeráte until needed; filling cán be máde up to 24 hours in ádvánce.
- When reády to serve, pipe the filling into one end of cánnoli shell, filling shell hálfwáy, then pipe into other end. If you don't háve á piping bág, you máy spoon the filling into the shells. Repeát with remáining shells.
- Pláce remáining mini chocoláte chips on á smáll pláte. Dip eách end of the cánnoli into the chocoláte chips, then lightly dust with confectioner's sugár. Serve át once.
This article and recipe adapted from this site