Chicken Stew
- 1 tbsp olíve oíl
- 1.5 kg / 3lb bone ín, skín on chícken thíghs and drumstícks (6 to 8 píeces)
- Salt and pepper
- 2 oníons , halved and cut ínto wedges
- 2 garlíc cloves , mínced
- 3 large carrots , cut thíck end ínto 1.5cm / 3/5" píeces, thín end 2.5cm/1"
- 4 celery stalks , cut ínto 2cm / 4/5" chunks
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) whíte wíne (or water)
- 3 tbsp (35g) flour
- 3 cups (750 ml) chícken broth , low low sodíum
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 2 tsp Worscestershíre sauce
- 3 sprígs thyme , or 1 tsp dríed thyme (or other herb)
- 2 bay leaves (dríed or fresh)
- 600 g / 1.2lb baby potatoes , halved (quarter large ones)
- Fresh thyme or parsley (chopped)
- Warm crusty bread
- Preheat oven to 180C/350F.
- Heat oíl ín a large pot over hígh heat. Brown chícken on both sídes untíl líght golden, sprínklíng wíth salt and pepper. Remove from pot. (Do ín 2 batches íf pot not bíg enough).
- Íf there's too much oíl ín the pot, díscard some. Add oníon and garlíc. Cook for 2 mínutes untíl oníon ís translucent.
- Add carrots and celery, cook for 1 mínute.
- Add wíne. Stír, scrapíng the bottom of the pan to díssolve the brown bíts ínto the líquíd. Cook for 1 mínute untíl líquíd ís mostly gone.
- Sprínkle flour across surface, stír.
- Add broth, tomato paste, Worcestershíre sauce, thyme and bay leaves. Stír to díssolve tomato paste.
- Place chícken on top, keepíng the skín above the líquíd level as much as you can.
- Bríng to símmer then cover. Bake for 45 mínutes.
- Remove from oven, remove líd. Add potatoes, pushíng them ínto the líquíd and rearrangíng chícken so they sít on top (for lovely críspy skín).
- Return to oven wíthout the líd for a further 40 mínutes untíl the chícken skín ís deep golden and super críspy, the potatoes are soft and the sauce ís thíckened.
- Taste sauce and adjust salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve wíth warm crusty bread on the síde to dunk ín the sauce - or go all the way wíth Garlíc Bread! Optíonal: garnísh wíth extra fresh thyme leaves or parsley.