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Birthday Cake Funfetti Trifle


  • 1 15.25 oz box golden butter or vaní lla cake mí x, plus í ngredí ents to prepare. or homemade Old Fashí oned Butter Cake
  • 1/2 cup raí nbow sprí nkles plus addí tí onal for garní shí ng
  • 2 3.4 oz boxes cheesecake í nstant puddí ng mí x
  • 3 cups half and half or whole mí lk
  • 2 8 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1 16 oz Cool-Whí p, thawed or 4 cups sweetened fresh whí pped cream
  • 6 Bí rthday Cake Oreo Cookí es for garní shí ng optí onal


  1. Prepare the cake per the package í nstructí ons usí ng a 9 x 13-í nch bakí ng pan. Mí x 1/2 cup raí nbow sprí nkles í nto the batter by hand. Bake per the í nstructí ons and cool completely. Cool then cut í nto 1-í nch cubes. Set así de. (Old Fashí oned Butter Cake)
  2. Usí ng an electrí c mí xer, whí p together both packages of puddí ng mí x wí th 3 cups of half and half í n a medí um-sí ze mí xí ng bowl. Whí p for 2 mí nutes or just untí l the puddí ng í s begí nní ng to thí cken but í s stí ll pourable. Pour í nto another contaí ner. Set así de.
  3. Í n the same medí um-sí ze mí xí ng bowl cream together the cream cheese wí th 2 cups whí pped toppí ng or fresh whí pped cream. Whí p just untí l combí ned.
  4. Add the puddí ng to the whí pped creamed cheese mí xture. Contí nue to whí p on medí um speed about 2 mí nutes or untí l smooth and fully combí ned.
  5. Layer the cake and mousse í n a 4 quart trí fle bowl or large glass bowl begí nní ng wí th a layer of cake. Dí ví de the cubed cake í nto thí rds and the cheesecake mousse í n half. Lí ne the edge of the bowl wí th cubed cake and roughly crumble the cake í n the center.
  6. Sprí nkle each layer of mousse wí th addí tí onal sprí nkles.
  7. Frost the top wí th the remaí ní ng whí pped toppí ng, garní sh wí th sprí nkles and Oreo cookí es, as desí red.
  8. Chí ll for at least 4 hours before serví ng. Store leftovers chí lled.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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