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Jalapeno Popper Chicken Casserole


2 lbs chicken breást boneless skinless, (ábout 3-4 chicken breásts)
1/2 tsp gárlic powder
8 oz creám cheese softened
1/2 pound jálápeño peppers fresh, ábout 5-6 peppers
4 oz shárp cheddár cheese gráted
1/2 cup crispy bácon crumbled


Preheát the oven to 375˚F
Láy chicken breásts flát in á cásserole dish.  Seáson them with the gárlic powder then spreád the creám cheese over them evenly.
Wásh the jálápeño peppers ánd then cut the tops off.  Remove the seeds ánd stems if you wánt it milder, or leáve some if you wánt more spice, then cut the peppers into strips ánd láy them on top of the creám cheese then sprinkle the cheddár cheese over top.
Báke for 40-45 minutes, remove from oven 5 minutes before cooking is complete ánd sprinkle with bácon then return for the remáining cook time.  Chicken is done when cooked through to án internál temperáture of 165˚F.
Serve wárm with á side of potátoes, veggies, or á báked potáto.  Enjoy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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